extends ArrayAccess
Phalcon\DiInterface initializer
abstract public Phalcon\Di\ServiceInterface set (string $name, mixed $definition, [boolean $shared])
Registers a service in the service container
abstract public remove (string $name)
Removes a service from the service container
abstract public object get (string $name, [array $parameters], [boolean $noError], [unknown $noerror])
Resolves the service based on its configuration
abstract public object getShared (string $name, [array $parameters], [boolean $noError])
Resolves a shared service based on their configuration
abstract public Phalcon\Di\ServiceInterface setService (string $name, Phalcon\Di\ServiceInterface $rawDefinition)
Sets a service using a raw Phalcon\Di\Service definition
abstract public Phalcon\Di\ServiceInterface getService (string $name)
Returns the corresponding Phalcon\Di\Service instance for a service
abstract public boolean has (string $name)
Check whether the DI contains a service by a name
abstract public boolean wasFreshInstance ()
Check whether the last service obtained via getShared produced a fresh instance or an existing one
abstract public array getServices ()
Return the services registered in the DI
abstract public static setDefault (Phalcon_DiInterface $dependencyInjector)
Set the default dependency injection container to be obtained into static methods
abstract public static Phalcon_DiInterface getDefault ()
Return the last DI created
abstract public static reset ()
Resets the internal default DI
abstract public offsetExists (unknown $offset) inherited from ArrayAccess
abstract public offsetGet (unknown $offset) inherited from ArrayAccess
abstract public offsetSet (unknown $offset, unknown $value) inherited from ArrayAccess
abstract public offsetUnset (unknown $offset) inherited from ArrayAccess