
Class Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick

extends abstract class Phalcon\Image\Adapter

implements Phalcon\Image\AdapterInterface

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Image manipulation support. Allows images to be resized, cropped, etc.


$image = new Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick("upload/test.jpg");
$image->resize(200, 200)->rotate(90)->crop(100, 100);
if ($image->save()) {
    echo 'success';


public static boolean check ()

Checks if Imagick is enabled

public __construct (string $file, [unknown $width], [unknown $height])

Phalcon\Image\Imagick constructor

protected _resize (int $width, int $height)

Execute a resize.

protected _liquidRescale (unknown $width, unknown $height, unknown $delta_x, unknown $regidity)

This method scales the images using liquid rescaling method. Only support Imagick

protected _crop (int $width, int $height, int $offset_x, int $offset_y)

Execute a crop.

protected _rotate (int $degrees)

Execute a rotation.

protected _flip (int $direction)

Execute a flip.

protected _sharpen (int $amount)

Execute a sharpen.

protected _reflection (int $height, int $opacity, boolean $fade_in)

Execute a reflection.

protected _watermark (Phalcon\Image\Adapter $watermark, int $offset_x, int $offset_y, int $opacity)

Execute a watermarking.

protected _text (string $text, int $offset_x, int $offset_y, int $opacity, int $r, int $g, int $b, int $size, string $fontfile)

Execute a text

protected _mask (unknown $mask)

Composite one image onto another

protected _background (int $r, int $g, int $b, int $opacity)

Execute a background.

protected _blur (unknown $radius)

Blur image

protected _pixelate (unknown $amount)

Pixelate image

protected boolean _save (string $file, [unknown $opacity], [unknown $interlacing])

Execute a save.

protected string _render (string $type, [unknown $opacity], [unknown $interlacing])

Execute a render.

public __destruct ()

Destroys the loaded image to free up resources.

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick line (int $sx, int $sy, int $ex, int $ey, [string $color])

Draws a line

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick polygon (array $coordinates, [string $color])

Draws a polygon


 $coordinates = array( array( 'x' => 4, 'y' => 6 ), array( 'x' => 8, 'y' => 10 ) );

public shadow ([unknown $color], [unknown $opacity], [unknown $sigma], [unknown $x], [unknown $y])


public getInternalImInstance ()


public static setResourceLimit (unknown $resource, unknown $limit)


public Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick colorize (unknown $color, [unknown $composition])

Replicate Colorize function

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick gamma (unknown $gamma, [unknown $channel])

Change the gamma of an image

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick levels ([float $gamma], [unknown $input_min], [unknown $input_max], [unknown $output_min], [unknown $output_max], [unknown $channel])

Replicate Photoshop’s levels function

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick brightness_contrast (unknown $brightness, unknown $contrast)

Replicate brightness/contrast photoshop function Now this one is a bit of a pain. PHP’s extension doesn’t provide us with this handle (yet?) So we have to save the image to disk at this point, perform the function using the command line, and reload the image. yay.

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick hsl ([unknown $hue], [unknown $saturation], [unknown $lightness])

Replicate HSL function Imagemagick calls this ‘modulate

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick curves_graph (unknown $fx)

Perform an imagemagick-style function on each pixel

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick vignette (unknown $color, [unknown $composition], [unknown $crop_factor])

Adds a vignette to the image

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick earlybird ()

A sort-of sepia filter

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick inkwell ()

A black and white filter

public static convert (unknown $command)


public string getRealPath () inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Returns the real path of the image file

public int getWidth () inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Returns the width of images

public int getHeight () inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Returns the height of images

public int getType () inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Returns the type of images

public string getMime () inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Returns the mime of images

public resource getImage () inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Returns the image of images

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter resize ([unknown $width], [unknown $height], [unknown $master]) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Resize the image to the given size. Either the width or the height can be omitted and the image will be resized proportionally.

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter liquidRescale (unknown $width, unknown $height, [unknown $delta_x], [unknown $rigidity]) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

This method scales the images using liquid rescaling method. Only support Imagick

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter crop (unknown $width, unknown $height, [unknown $offset_x], [unknown $offset_y]) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Crop an image to the given size. Either the width or the height can be omitted and the current width or height will be used.

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter rotate (unknown $degrees) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Rotate the image by a given amount.

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter flip (unknown $direction) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Flip the image along the horizontal or vertical axis.

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter sharpen (unknown $amount) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Sharpen the image by a given amount.

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter reflection ([unknown $height], [unknown $opacity], [unknown $fade_in]) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Add a reflection to an image. The most opaque part of the reflection will be equal to the opacity setting and fade out to full transparent. Alpha transparency is preserved.

public Phalcon\Image\AdapterInterface watermark (unknown $watermark, [unknown $offset_x], [unknown $offset_y], [unknown $opacity]) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Add a watermark to an image with a specified opacity. Alpha transparency will be preserved.

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter text (string $text, [unknown $offset_x], [unknown $offset_y], [unknown $opacity], [unknown $color], [unknown $size], [unknown $fontfile]) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Add a text to an image with a specified opacity.

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter mask (unknown $mask) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Composite one image onto another

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter background (unknown $color, [unknown $opacity]) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Set the background color of an image. This is only useful for images with alpha transparency.

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter blur ([unknown $radius]) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Blur image

public Phalcon\Image\Adapter pixelate ([unknown $amount]) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Pixelate image

public boolean save ([unknown $file], [unknown $opacity], [unknown $interlacing]) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Save the image. If the filename is omitted, the original image will be overwritten.

public string render ([unknown $type], [unknown $opacity], [unknown $interlacing]) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Render the image and return the binary string.

public string getColorRBG (unknown $color) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter

Render the image and return the binary string.