
Class Phalcon\Logger\Multiple

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Handles multiples logger handlers


public push (Phalcon\Logger\AdapterInterface $logger)

Pushes a logger to the logger tail

public Phalcon\Logger\AdapterInterface [] getLoggers ()

Returns the registered loggers

public setFormatter (Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface $formatter)

Sets a global formatter

public Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface getFormatter ()

Returns a formatter

public log (int $type, string $message, [array $context])

Sends a message to each registered logger

public emergency (string $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes an emergency message to the log

public emergence (unknown $message, [array $context])


public debug (string $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes a debug message to the log

public error (string $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes an error message to the log

public info (string $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes an info message to the log

public notice (string $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes a notice message to the log

public warning (string $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes a warning message to the log

public alert (string $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes an alert message to the log