extends PhalconDispatcherInterface
Phalcon\Mvc\DispatcherInterface initializer
abstract public setControllerSuffix (string $controllerSuffix)
Sets the default controller suffix
abstract public setDefaultController (string $controllerName)
Sets the default controller name
abstract public setControllerName (string $controllerName, [unknown $isExact])
Sets the controller name to be dispatched
abstract public string getControllerName ()
Gets last dispatched controller name
abstract public Phalcon\Mvc\ControllerInterface getLastController ()
Returns the lastest dispatched controller
abstract public Phalcon\Mvc\ControllerInterface getActiveController ()
Returns the active controller in the dispatcher
abstract public setActionSuffix (string $actionSuffix) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Sets the default action suffix
abstract public setDefaultModule (string $module) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Sets the default module
abstract public string getDefaultModule () inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Gets the default module
abstract public setDefaultNamespace (string $namespace) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Sets the default namespace
abstract public string getDefaultNamespace () inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Gets the default namespace
abstract public setDefaultHandler (string $handlerName) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Sets the default handler name
abstract public string getDefaultHandler () inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Gets the default handler name
abstract public setDefaultAction (string $actionName) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Sets the default action name
abstract public string getDefaultAction () inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Gets the default action name
abstract public setModuleName (unknown $module) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Sets the module name to be dispatched
abstract public string getModuleName () inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Gets last dispatched module name
abstract public setNamespaceName (unknown $namespace) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Sets the namespace to be dispatched
abstract public string getNamespaceName () inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Gets last dispatched namespace
abstract public setHandlerName (string $handlerName) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Sets the handler name to be dispatched
abstract public string getHandlerName () inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Gets last dispatched handler name
abstract public setActionName (string $actionName) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Sets the action name to be dispatched
abstract public string getActionName () inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Gets last dispatched action name
abstract public setParams (array $params) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Sets action params to be dispatched
abstract public array getParams () inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Gets action params
abstract public hasParam (unknown $param) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
abstract public setParam (mixed $param, mixed $value) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Set a param by its name or numeric index
abstract public mixed getParam (mixed $param, [string|array $filters]) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Gets a param by its name or numeric index
abstract public boolean isFinished () inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Checks if the dispatch loop is finished or has more pendent controllers/tasks to disptach
abstract public mixed getReturnedValue () inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Returns value returned by the lastest dispatched action
abstract public object dispatch () inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Dispatches a handle action taking into account the routing parameters
abstract public forward (array $forward) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Forwards the execution flow to another controller/action
abstract public camelizeNamespace (unknown $camelize) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Forwards the execution flow to another controller/action
abstract public Phalcon\DispatcherInterface setErrorHandler (unknown $callback, [int $exception_code]) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Set error handler
abstract public mixed getErrorHandler (int $exception_code) inherited from Phalcon\DispatcherInterface
Get error handler