Class to access the beanstalk queue service. Partially implements the protocol version 1.2
public __construct ([array $options])
public connect ()
public string|boolean put (string $data, [array $options])
Inserts jobs into the queue
public boolean|PhalconQueueBeanstalkJob reserve ([unknown $timeout])
Reserves a job in the queue
public string|boolean choose (string $tube)
Change the active tube. By default the tube is ‘default’
public string|boolean watch (string $tube)
Change the active tube. By default the tube is ‘default’
public boolean|array stats ()
Get stats of the Beanstalk server.
public boolean|array statsTube (string $tube)
Get stats of a tube
public boolean|PhalconQueueBeanstalkJob peekReady ()
Inspect the next ready job.
public boolean|PhalconQueueBeanstalkJob peekDelayed ()
Return the delayed job with the shortest delay left
public boolean|PhalconQueueBeanstalkJob peekBuried ()
Return the next job in the list of buried jobs
public boolean|PhalconQueueBeanstalkJob jobPeek (unknown $id)
The peek commands let the client inspect a job in the system.
public array readStatus ()
Reads the latest status from the Beanstalkd server
public readYaml ()
Fetch a YAML payload from the Beanstalkd server
public string|boolean Data or `false` on error. read ([unknown $length])
Reads a packet from the socket. Prior to reading from the socket will check for availability of the connection.
public integer|boolean write (string $data)
Writes data to the socket. Performs a connection if none is available
public boolean disconnect ()
Closes the connection to the beanstalk server.
public boolean quit ()
Simply closes the connection.
public array listTubes ()
Returns a list of all existing tubes.
public array listTubeUsed ()
Returns the tube currently being used by the client.
public array listTubesWatched ()
Returns a list tubes currently being watched by the client.
public boolean|int ignore (unknown $tube)
It removes the named tube from the watch list for the current connection.
public __sleep ()
public __wakeup ()