extends abstract class Phalcon\Db\Builder\Where
implements Phalcon\Events\EventsAwareInterface, Phalcon\Di\InjectionAwareInterface, Phalcon\Db\BuilderInterface
public Phalcon\Db\Builder\Join join (string $table, [string $conditions], [string $type])
Adds a join to the query
public Phalcon\Db\Builder\Join innerJoin (string $table, [string $conditions])
Adds a INNER join to the query
public Phalcon\Db\Builder\Join leftJoin (string $table, [string $conditions])
Adds a LEFT join to the query
public Phalcon\Db\Builder\Join rightJoin (string $table, [string $conditions])
Adds a RIGHT join to the query
public int setConditions (string|array $conditions, [array $bindParams], [array $bindTypes], [array $bindParams], [boolean $type]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder\Where
Gets the type of PHQL queries
public string getConditions () inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder\Where
Return the conditions
public Phalcon\Db\Builder where (string $conditions, [array $bindParams], [array $bindTypes]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder\Where
Sets the query conditions
$builder->where('name = "Peter"');
$builder->where('name = :name AND id > :id', array('name' => 'Peter', 'id' => 100));
public Phalcon\Db\Builder andWhere (string $conditions, [array $bindParams], [array $bindTypes]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder\Where
Appends a condition to the current conditions using a AND operator
$builder->andWhere('name = "Peter"');
$builder->andWhere('name = :name AND id > :id', array('name' => 'Peter', 'id' => 100));
public Phalcon\Db\Builder orWhere (string $conditions, [array $bindParams], [array $bindTypes]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder\Where
Appends a condition to the current conditions using a OR operator
public Phalcon\Db\Builder inWhere (string $expr, array $values, [boolean $useOrWhere]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder\Where
Appends an IN condition to the current conditions
public Phalcon\Db\Builder notInWhere (string $expr, array $values, [boolean $useOrWhere]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder\Where
Appends a NOT IN condition to the current conditions
public static Phalcon\Db\Builder\Select select (unknown $tables, [unknown $db]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder
Create a select builder
$resultset = Phalcon\Db\Builder::select('robots')
->join('robots_parts', 'robots.id = robots_parts.robots_id')
->where('robots.id = 1')
public static Phalcon\Db\Builder\Update update (unknown $table, [unknown $db]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder
Create a update builder
$ret = Phalcon\Db\Builder::update('robots')
->set(['name' => 'test'])
->where('id = 1')
public static Phalcon\Db\Builder\Insert insert (unknown $table, [unknown $db]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder
Create a insert builder
$ret = Phalcon\Db\Builder::insert('robots')
->values(['name' => 'test'])
public static Phalcon\Db\Builder\Delete delete (unknown $table, [unknown $db]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder
Create a delete builder
$ret = Phalcon\Db\Builder::delete('robots')
->where('id = 1')
public Phalcon\Db\Builder setBindParams (array $bindparams, [unknown $merge]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder
Sets the bind parameters
public Phalcon\Db\Builder getBindParams () inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder
Gets the bind parameters
public Phalcon\Db\Builder setBindTypes (array $bindtypes, [unknown $merge]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder
Sets the bind types
public Phalcon\Db\Builder getBindTypes () inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder
Gets the bind types
public Phalcon\Db\ResultInterface |boolean|array execute ([unknown $pretreatment]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\Builder
Execute query
public setDI (Phalcon\DiInterface $dependencyInjector) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Sets the dependency injector
public Phalcon\DiInterface getDI ([unknown $error], [unknown $notUseDefault]) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Returns the internal dependency injector
public setEventsManager (Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface $eventsManager) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Sets the event manager
public Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface getEventsManager () inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Returns the internal event manager
public boolean fireEvent (string $eventName, [mixed $data], [unknown $cancelable]) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Fires an event, implicitly calls behaviors and listeners in the events manager are notified
public mixed fireEventCancel (string $eventName, [mixed $data], [unknown $cancelable]) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Fires an event, can stop the event by returning to the false
public boolean hasService (string $name) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Check whether the DI contains a service by a name
public Phalcon\Di\ServiceInterface setService (unknown $name) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Sets a service from the DI
public object|null getService (unknown $name) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Obtains a service from the DI
public mixed getResolveService (string $name, [array $args], [unknown $noerror], [unknown $noshared]) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Resolves the service based on its configuration
public attachEvent (string $eventType, Closure $callback) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Attach a listener to the events
public __get (unknown $property) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Magic method __get
public __sleep () inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
public __debugInfo () inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable