extends abstract class Phalcon\Di\Injectable
implements Phalcon\Events\EventsAwareInterface, Phalcon\Di\InjectionAwareInterface
Shows HTML notifications related to different circumstances. Classes can be stylized using CSS
$flash->success("The record was successfully deleted");
$flash->error("Cannot open the file");
public __construct ([array $cssClasses])
Phalcon\Flash constructor
public Phalcon\FlashInterface setImplicitFlush (boolean $implicitFlush)
Set whether the output must be implictly flushed to the output or returned as string
public Phalcon\FlashInterface setAutomaticHtml (boolean $automaticHtml)
Set if the output must be implictily formatted with HTML
public Phalcon\FlashInterface setCssClasses (array $cssClasses)
Set an array with CSS classes to format the messages
public string error (string $message)
Shows a HTML error message
$flash->error('This is an error');
public string notice (string $message)
Shows a HTML notice/information message
$flash->notice('This is an information');
public string success (string $message)
Shows a HTML success message
$flash->success('The process was finished successfully');
public string warning (string $message)
Shows a HTML warning message
$flash->warning('Hey, this is important');
public outputMessage (string $type, string $message)
Outputs a message formatting it with HTML
$flash->outputMessage('error', $message);
public setDI (Phalcon\DiInterface $dependencyInjector) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Sets the dependency injector
public Phalcon\DiInterface getDI ([unknown $error], [unknown $notUseDefault]) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Returns the internal dependency injector
public setEventsManager (Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface $eventsManager) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Sets the event manager
public Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface getEventsManager () inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Returns the internal event manager
public boolean fireEvent (string $eventName, [mixed $data], [unknown $cancelable]) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Fires an event, implicitly calls behaviors and listeners in the events manager are notified
public mixed fireEventCancel (string $eventName, [mixed $data], [unknown $cancelable]) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Fires an event, can stop the event by returning to the false
public boolean hasService (string $name) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Check whether the DI contains a service by a name
public Phalcon\Di\ServiceInterface setService (unknown $name) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Sets a service from the DI
public object|null getService (unknown $name) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Obtains a service from the DI
public mixed getResolveService (string $name, [array $args], [unknown $noerror], [unknown $noshared]) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Resolves the service based on its configuration
public attachEvent (string $eventType, Closure $callback) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Attach a listener to the events
public __get (unknown $property) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Magic method __get
public __sleep () inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
public __debugInfo () inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable