extends abstract class Phalcon\Di\Injectable
implements Phalcon\Events\EventsAwareInterface, Phalcon\Di\InjectionAwareInterface, Countable, Iterator, Traversable
This component allows to build forms using an object-oriented interface
public __construct ([object $entity], [array $userOptions])
Phalcon\Forms\Form constructor
public Phalcon\Forms\Form setAction (string $action)
Sets the form’s action
public string getAction ()
Returns the form’s action
public Phalcon\Forms\Form setMethod (unknown $method)
Sets the form’s method
public string getMethod ()
Returns the form’s method
public Phalcon\Forms\Form setEnctype (unknown $enctype)
Sets the form’s enctype
public string getEnctype ()
Returns the form’s enctype
public Phalcon\Forms\Form setOption (string $option, mixed $value)
Sets an option for the form
public mixed getOption (string $option, [mixed $defaultValue])
Returns the value of an option if present
public Phalcon\Forms\ElementInterface setOptions (array $options)
Sets options for the element
public array getOptions ()
Returns the options for the element
public Phalcon\Forms\Form setEntity (object $entity)
Sets the entity related to the model
public object getEntity ()
Returns the entity related to the model
public Phalcon\Forms\ElementInterface [] getElements ()
Returns the form elements added to the form
public Phalcon\Forms\Form bind (array $data, [object $entity], [array $whitelist])
Binds data to the entity
public boolean isValid ([array $data], [object $entity])
Validates the form
public Phalcon\Validation\Message\Group getMessages ([boolean $byItemName])
Returns the messages generated in the validation
public Phalcon\Validation\Message\Group [] getMessagesFor (unknown $name)
Returns the messages generated for a specific element
public boolean hasMessagesFor (unknown $name)
Check if messages were generated for a specific element
public Phalcon\Forms\Form add (Phalcon\Forms\ElementInterface $element, [string $postion], [unknown $type])
Adds an element to the form
public string render ([string $name], [array $attributes])
Renders a specific item in the form
public Phalcon\Forms\ElementInterface get (string $name)
Returns an element added to the form by its name
public string label (string $name, [unknown $attributes])
Generate the label of a element added to the form including HTML
public string getLabel (string $name)
Returns a label for an element
public mixed getValue (string $name, [unknown $flag])
Gets a value from the internal related entity or from the default value
public mixed setValue (string $name, [mixed $value])
Sets a value
public mixed getValues ([string $name], [unknown $flag])
Gets a values
public boolean has (string $name)
Check if the form contains an element
public boolean remove (string $name)
Removes an element from the form
public Phalcon\Forms\Form clear ([array $fields])
Clears every element in the form to its default value
public int count ()
Returns the number of elements in the form
public rewind ()
Rewinds the internal iterator
public Phalcon\Forms\ElementInterface current ()
Returns the current element in the iterator
public int key ()
Returns the current position/key in the iterator
public next ()
Moves the internal iteration pointer to the next position
public boolean valid ()
Check if the current element in the iterator is valid
public Phalcon\Forms\Form appendMessage (string $field, Phalcon\Validation\Message $message)
Appends a message to the form
$form->appendMessage('email', new Phalcon\Validation\Message('Must be not empty '));
public Phalcon\Forms\Form appendMessages (string $field, Phalcon\Validation\MessageInterface[] $messages)
Appends a messages to the form
$form->appendMessages('email', array(new Phalcon\Validation\Message('Must be not empty '), new Phalcon\Validation\Message('Must be an email address')));
public array toArray ()
Returns a form elements as an array
public string __toString ()
Renders the form html
public setDI (Phalcon\DiInterface $dependencyInjector) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Sets the dependency injector
public Phalcon\DiInterface getDI ([unknown $error], [unknown $notUseDefault]) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Returns the internal dependency injector
public setEventsManager (Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface $eventsManager) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Sets the event manager
public Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface getEventsManager () inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Returns the internal event manager
public boolean fireEvent (string $eventName, [mixed $data], [unknown $cancelable]) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Fires an event, implicitly calls behaviors and listeners in the events manager are notified
public mixed fireEventCancel (string $eventName, [mixed $data], [unknown $cancelable]) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Fires an event, can stop the event by returning to the false
public boolean hasService (string $name) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Check whether the DI contains a service by a name
public Phalcon\Di\ServiceInterface setService (unknown $name) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Sets a service from the DI
public object|null getService (unknown $name) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Obtains a service from the DI
public mixed getResolveService (string $name, [array $args], [unknown $noerror], [unknown $noshared]) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Resolves the service based on its configuration
public attachEvent (string $eventType, Closure $callback) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Attach a listener to the events
public __get (unknown $property) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
Magic method __get
public __sleep () inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable
public __debugInfo () inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable